United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (“USCIS”) announced Friday that it had reached the congressionally mandated H-1B cap for fiscal year 2018. Continue reading “H-1B Cap for FY 2018 Met”
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United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (“USCIS”) announced Friday that it had reached the congressionally mandated H-1B cap for fiscal year 2018. Continue reading “H-1B Cap for FY 2018 Met”
In an effort to reduce the growing backlog of pending H-1B petitions, including those H-1B extensions nearing the 240 day limit when continued work authorization would end, USCIS announced today that it would temporarily suspend the use of premium processing in ALL H-1B cases, whether filed under the upcoming H-1B cap, or whether the filing is exempt from the H-1B cap, beginning April 3, 2017. Continue reading “Breaking News: USCIS will Temporarily Suspend Premium Processing of H-1B Petitions”
Yesterday, the Obama administration announced potential changes that could significantly impact the EB-5 investor visa program. The EB-5 investor visa was originally established by Congress in 1990 to attract foreign investment and stimulate the economy in hopes of spurring job creation in the United States.
Yesterday, the Obama administration announced potential changes that could significantly impact the EB-5 investor visa program. The EB-5 investor visa was originally established by Congress in 1990 to attract foreign investment and stimulate the economy in hopes of spurring job creation in the United States. Continue reading “Current Administration Proposes Significant Changes to EB-5 Program”
The issue of multiple worksites presents a conundrum for many employers. Continue reading “What constitutes a Worksite for H-2B purposes?”
As a reminder to all U.S. employers, H-1B season is around the corner! United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (“USCIS”) will start accepting new H-1B petitions for fiscal year 2018 on Saturday, April 1, 2017. Continue reading “Plan Ahead: H-1B Season is Around the Corner”
When President Barack Obama unveiled his Immigration Accountability Executive Actions in 2014, a measure supported by the National Association of Manufacturers, the media was focused on how the current administration’s immigration initiatives would affect the millions of undocumented workers. Continue reading “U.S. Manufacturers Need Immigration Certainty to Grow Economy”
Generally, employers face a difficult balancing act when attempting to comply with the Immigration and Nationality Act’s anti-discrimination provisions, on the one hand, and manage their bottom line, on the other hand. Continue reading “OSC Issues Guidance to Employers Related to Immigration Questions During the Hiring Process”
On July 8, 2016, U.S. Immigration & Citizenship Services (“USCIS”) announced that it had returned all unselected H-1B cap-subject petitions for fiscal year 2017 not selected by its lottery. Continue reading “USCIS Has Finished Returning Unselected H-1B Cap Subject Petitions”
Summer is here, and most business immigration practitioners are breathing a sigh a relief that the H-1B season is over. At the same, however, many are scrambling to find a visa alternative for employers whose H-1B petitions were not chosen. Continue reading “Our Immigration Policy Shouldn’t be Left to Chance”
On May 2, 2016, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) notified stakeholders and the public that it completed data entry of all fiscal year 2017 H-1B cap-subject petitions selected by its random computer-generated lottery. Continue reading “USCIS Finishes Data Entry of H-1B Cap Subject Petitions”