A technical “glitch”, the result of a software update implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) on September 1, 2015, prevented some employers from filing PERM applications later in the month. According to the DOL, the technical issue precluded employers from completing portions of their ETA Form 9089 online. The DOL is authorizing those employers (and ONLY those employers) who tried and could not file a PERM application online between September 1, 2015 and September 11, 2015 to mail in their PERM applications to the Atlanta National Processing Center. Documentation should include evidence demonstrating that information in their ETA Form 9089 was affected by the programming glitch. Employers affected by this issue must submit their ETA Form 9089 and supporting documentation before September 30, 2015.
For more information, please contact Mechelle Zarou at 419.321.1460 or mzarou@slk-law.com.